HotDocs Document Automation Blog
Benefitting the Bottom Line: HotDocs for Large Corporations
HotDocs document assembly technology is used by corporate organisations in sectors including manufacturing, technology, aviation, hospitality and broadcasting to automate a diverse range of documents and streamline business processes.
Streamlining Government: HotDocs in the Public Sector
For public service agencies in times of recession and budget cuts, doing more with less has become a necessity.
Document Diversity: Automating in the Legal Sector
Legal has been the pioneering sector on which document assembly has grown and, as you would expect, there are a huge number of documents that benefit from automation with HotDocs software.
Document assembly in the insurance sector
The insurance sector is one of several industries where the benefits of HotDocs make a huge difference.
Which documents do banks automate?
It’s no secret that HotDocs can be used in multiple industries to reduce risk, enhance compliance and create operational efficiencies, but what types of documents do our key sectors get the most return on investment from?
Why HotDocs and K2 go hand in hand
Business Process Management (BPM) and document assembly have a lot in common.
E-filing, Law Firms and Document Assembly: A Perfect Fit
Currently, every state court system in the US has a legal e-filing option in place.
Creating a Custom Dialog in HotDocs
Dialogs are an excellent way to customise a HotDocs interview, and present your questions to users in a more intuitive, organised way.
Why Systems Integrators (SIs) are embracing document automation
More and more, HotDocs is entering into partner relationships with systems integrators, both large and small.
Automation for Banks: why financial institutions need document assembly software
Every year, I receive a vast amount of correspondence from my bank.
HotDocs – Not just for lawyers
Although HotDocs software is frequently used by large organizations and law firms, during my time at HotDocs in both Administration and Marketing, I have found plenty of other uses for the technology that help me to do my job more efficiently.
Document Automation – Do it yourself or shop bought?
A few years ago I bought my first house.