HotDocs Document Automation Blog
Calculating ROI on HotDocs Projects
Bart Earle recently posted here regarding the practical benefits of using HotDocs such as: productivity, responsiveness, enhanced quality/accuracy, standardization, capture of firm expertise/experience, increased job satisfaction and client marketing.
Why are technology companies like HotDocs predicting higher than average growth?
A press article caught my attention this week.
Practical Benefits of Document Assembly
For many years I practiced law, much of the time as a partner responsible for managing technology.
Working Together in the Cloud
HotDocs has been available to create extraordinary document automation systems in an online mode for nearly fifteen years, first via HotDocs Server, and more recently via HotDocs Document Services and HotDocs Cloud Services.
CIO Review Gets It Right—HotDocs for Compliance Just Makes Sense
Compliance is becoming an increasingly important topic for today’s enterprises given an ever growing body of legislation designed to dictate and regulate corporate behavior.
Modularization of Point Solutions: Time for a Low Code Platform
According to some researchers, the early stages of a market are dominated by integrated solutions—products built top to bottom by the same vendor.
Document Assembly: Why “simple” may not be good enough
Long ago, I ran the publications department for Capsoft, the predecessor to HotDocs Corporation.
HotDocs: Compliance Software for Low Code Environments
For a casual onlooker, categorizing HotDocs might be difficult.
The Low Code Trend: BPMs, ECMs, and HotDocs Cloud Services
In Q4 of 2013, Gartner published a market trends report that pointed to two important catalysts to growth in the ECM space: interoperability among disparate content management applications and the emergence of standards for content management vendors.
From multinationals to small law: EMC’s Paul Dacier highlights the need for speed at Harvard Law’s Disruptive Innovation Conference
At the recent conference staged at Harvard Law School on disruptive innovation, Paul Dacier, EMC’s GC lead who moonlights as President of the Boston Bar Association, focused much of his presentation on the importance of speed.
Samantha V. Watson: IBM’s Michael D. Rhodin talks cognition at Harvard Law’s disruptive innovation conference
In a recent transatlantic flight, I happened to queue up the movie “Her,” a futuristic film about a character named Theodore who falls in love with his operating system (something like a much more sophisticated version of Apple’s Siri).