Industrial Automation V2.0 – The Rise of the Machines
Reading the news everyday it is becoming more and more apparent that a new wave of industrial automation is upon us. All you have to do is look at major high street banks, which are all closing high street branches as they invest in on-line platforms. Google are testing automated cars, Amazon are trialling drones to deliver goods to your house and energy companies are installing smart meters so you can tell instantly how much gas and electricity you are consuming. The list goes on and on.
With the advent of social media, people now live in an automated society where they want instant gratification. Consumers want to be able to order a take away to come to their house at a time that’s convenient to them, apply for a credit card or loan in minutes and find out if they have been accepted and they can do it all from the convenience of their mobile phone.
With this new wave of industrial automation companies need to adapt to the ever increasing speed of business and are looking for ways in which they can streamline their processes in order to keep up with the competition. This means taking a look at the entire organisation from head to toe and includes HR, Procurement, Sales and many other departments looking at ways they can simplify and automate key processes.
In the month I have been working at HotDocs I have seen some fabulous use cases of companies doing just that using our document automation technology. In the banking sector, one of our customers hasbeen able to save 175 person hours a week – that’s the equivalent to 5 people who can turn their time to helping customers or generating additional revenue. In the legal sector, another customer purchased HotDocs and integrated it into their website to offer basic legal forms to over 500 start-ups. Knowing the sheer volume of start-ups that come and go, they needed to service them quickly and with minimal effort in their quest to find the next Google.
These use cases don’t just apply to banking and legal. There are areas in all organisations that can automate their processes, in the business sector we have one customer who had sales staff constantly amending contracts in order to get the deal done. This caused headaches, as it meant each and every contract was different and required hours of outside legal review at a substantial cost to the company. Implementing HotDocs for this client meant sales staff could produce contracts instantly in the field with little to no oversight, as every contract produced contained the correct terms and conditions and in the end saved this customer more than £400,000 a year in legal costs.
Do you recognise areas in your business that could benefit from document automation and process improvement? Do you find it takes your organisation hours upon hours just to revise and produce documents? Do you find inconsistency in all of your forms when they should all be standard? Are you looking to expand your business and the manual/paper based way just won’t cope with the increased demand? If any of this sounds familiar then maybeit’s time to see how much HotDocs could save you.
To find out more about how HotDocs document automation software can help your organisation to save time and money, schedule a 30 minute demo.