HotDocs Wins Queen’s Award For Enterprise For International Trade

Lindon, Utah and Edinburgh, ScotlandHotDocsLtd,the global leader in document generation software,has beennameda winner ofthe2013 Queen’s Award for Enterprise, the UK’s highest accolade for business success.

HotDocsreceived the award for achievement in International Trade, formally recognizing HotDocs’success in doubling group revenues since the 2009 acquisition of the HotDocs business from LexisNexis.TheHotDocs customer base includesrepresentativesfromvirtuallyevery type ofprofessionalindustry, includinglegal, banking, insurance,finance, and the public sector.In all,HotDocs hasmorethan1,000,000 usersspanningforty-two countries.

Russell Shepherd, theEdinburgh-based CEO of themarket-leading software company, commented,“It is with great delight that we today announce our success in winning a Queen’s Award for International Trade, particularly in recognition of how quickly we have increased our overseas business in North America and Australia. We have a fantastic team at HotDocs on both sides of the Atlantic. Not many businesses have headquarters in both Edinburgh and Utah, but we have shown that this combination can work extremely well.”

HotDocsis planningto build on recent successes and hasanambitious growthstrategy forboth domestic and international markets.Success to date stems from the fact that HotDocs offers customersa software solutionthat ultimately leadstobettergovernance of complex document-generation processes,acorrespondingmitigation of risk,greater compliance with existing rules and regulations,anda substantial decrease in spend related to document production.

Shepherd concluded,“The achievement of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade is agreatendorsement of the success of our team in increasing our sales in overseas markets.However, there will be no ‘laurel-resting,’ and HotDocs will push ahead withits ambitious growth plans over the coming months and years.”

In addition to Edinburgh and Utah, HotDocs has offices in Atlanta and New Yorkand plans tocontinue to develop and enhanceitsproductline-up, withseveral innovativetechnologies due for releasein2013. Shepherd believes these new productswill further cementthe company’sposition as the globalleader inthedocument generationmarket.

About HotDocs

HotDocs is the recognized market leader in document generation software.Having pioneered the document generation concept (sometimes referred to as “document assembly” or “document automation”) in the mid-1980s, HotDocs has grown to serve over 1 million users, including 80% of theAmLaw200, 20% of the Fortune 500, and enterprises of every type and size in 42 countries throughout the world. HotDocs Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of HotDocs LTD., which is headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland.

About the Queen’s Award for Enterprise

The Award Scheme, originally known as The Queen’s Award to Industry, was instituted by Royal Warrant in 1965, following the recommendations of a committee chaired by HRHTheDuke of Edinburgh.The first awards were made in 1966.

Approximately 150 Queen’s Awards have been announced this year for outstanding business achievement in the fields of International Trade, Innovation,and Sustainable Development.Winners of The Queen’s Awards can expect an invitation to attend a specialreception at Buckingham Palace.The awards are made annual by HM The Queen and are only given for the highest levels of excellence demonstrated in each category.


Marvin Nelson
(801) 615-2215